Friday, January 7, 2011

Photographic Year in Review - part 3

Whew...2010 was a much longer year than I originally remembered! Of course, when Halloween came around, Olivia decided that she wanted to be something pink, beautiful and with wings. We found this lovely Fairy costume at Marshall's for a great price. Isn't she sweet?

Mitchell, on the other hand, wanted to be something scary. Since I am opposed to gross, scary Halloween costumes, I convinced him that pirates are scary (and in real life, they are!!!). Just not sure what I will think of next year??? Here is Mitchell looking oh-so-scary.

We spent Thanksgiving at Scott's house (Auntie Sue came too!). In all of my Black Friday excitement, I forgot to take any pictures. However, I do have this lovely picture of Olivia in her trendy skirt, tights and boots.

The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Jake, the kids and I went to Ohio so that we could meet the new couple moving in our house. We decided to take the kids to the Columbus Zoo to see the Christmas lights. Can I just say that I miss the zoo so much??? Sniff, sniff...

Here is a pic I took of the zoo lights. They were absolutely gorgeous! Even though we don't live there anymore, I think it will become an annual tradition for our family.

"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!" Mitchell has finally started losing teeth. Isn't he a cutie???

Again, Mitchell had the opportunity to walk with my brother in Hurricane's Christmas Parade.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Photographic Year in Review - part 2

We began the second half of 2010 with a trip to Granny and Grampy's house in Minnesota. It had been a long time since we had visited - Mitchell was only 19 months old and Olivia was...well, she wasn't. We thoroughly enjoyed our trip! We visited two zoos, went to the Mall of America and Mitchell even got to go fishing with Grampy! Of course, the most special day was Olivia's third birthday. Here is a picture of her blowing out the candles on her Toy Story cake.

The Mall of America is awesome. While there, we visited an aquarium (pic of Mitchell at the aquarium below).
We also spent time at the amusement park. All of the Nickolodeon characters were there, and of course Olivia LOVED this! Pic of Olivia with Dora and Boots below.

Other highlights of the Mall of America were the American Girl Doll store and the Lego store. We also had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe, which was very fun!!!
Fall of 2010 brought us the beginning of 1st grade for Mitchell! Once again, we started our school year off with breakfast at Bob Evans and some new books. This school year has been interesting, as Olivia now wants to "do school". She has started doing some Before Five in a Row books, which she enjoys. I will do a separate blog post later detailing what Mitchell has been doing so far in 1st grade.

Olivia is so girly. One day, she pulled out her stool, combs, brushes and hair bows, and decided to "do Grandpa's hair". Too cute!

We took a mini vacation in October with a camping trip. Of course, daddy had to bring his hammock, which everyone loves!

Since there are usually not any pictures of me, I thought I would include this one. Olivia did not like being up so high and refused to have her picture taken.

We were able to take a tram up and then down the side of a mountain. Fun, fun!

Finally, a pic of my sweet kids. Our camping trip was fabulous and we hope to do a lot more camping in 2011!